May 2023

5 Reasons to Install DITEK Surge Protection

2023-10-31T10:02:21-05:00May 18, 2023|

In the world of systems installation, there is perhaps nothing more exciting than closing a big sale. Tallying up the bill of materials (BoM) on a multi-piece security system or campus-wide HVAC system feels like a win – because it is! However, many installers and electricians may be unaware that they are leaving valuable opportunities on the table by forgetting about one crucial line item – surge protection.    Surge protection has long been thought of as an add-on to electronic systems when, in reality, they are a critical piece of equipment that installers and electricians should take advantage of. [...]

DITEK Surge Protectors - MOV vs. SAD vs. GDT

2023-10-31T10:03:50-05:00May 18, 2023|

When evaluating surge protection for your networked devices, its essential to choose the right product to do each individual job. There is more to surge protection than simply hooking up a device – in fact there are several different types of surge protection, each engineered with differing core components performing the “dirty work” of dissipating surges away from your critical devices. The three most commonly found core components are MOVs, SADs, and GDTs; most surge protectors are built around one of these three and are defined by the capabilities of that component. There are also hybrid, multi-stage models available that [...]

How to Know When Your Surge Protector Reached End of Life

2023-10-31T11:58:56-05:00May 18, 2023|

Surge protectors function as a shield, protecting your important electronic systems and devices from common power surges and spikes. As a vital part of their useful life, surge protectors absorb sudden rushes of electrical power – from utility grid switching down to the hundreds of small power surges spikes that occur every day. Such spikes either cause a surge protective device (SPD) to deteriorate slowly or all at once as the SPD prevents more important systems from suffering the same fate. This self-sacrifice eventually causes a surge protector to reach end of life (EOL). Once a surge protector has reached [...]

April 2023

An Installers Guide to Surge Protection for HVAC Systems

2023-10-31T15:18:55-05:00April 17, 2023|

  As an experienced HVAC installer, you may already be aware of the critical protection that surge protection devices provide for your customers’ HVAC systems. And with the increasing frequency of power disruptions and their unpredictability, there’s a growing need to install surge protection solutions to ensure that these systems remain up and running when needed most. This informative guide is designed to help you answer one critical question, why surge protection? Both from a customer’s and installer’s point of view. Armed with this information, you can confidently educate your customers on the exciting value proposition that HVAC surge protection provides, while [...]

March 2023

Don't Get Burnout from Brownouts

2023-11-03T11:14:58-05:00March 14, 2023|

As some cities record their hottest temperatures ever and the nation grapples with aging infrastructure, the frequency of brownouts is occurring at a rapid pace. The fallout from such brownouts can be as minimal as dimming lightbulbs or as extreme as loss of refrigeration for life-saving medication. But what can be done to prevent the worst? And why does it matter now? What even is a brownout? We’re here to answer these questions and more. What is a Brownout? An electrical brownout occurs when a facility’s power system experiences an intentional or unintentional drop in voltage. In an intentional brownout, [...]

3 Ways Small Businesses Can Make a BIG Impact

2023-10-31T15:24:30-05:00March 14, 2023|

The concept of making an impact has been a part of DITEK’s DNA since the start. You could say it’s in mine too. When my father, Robert McIntyre, founded DITEK over 30 years ago,he did so with a commitment to three guiding principles. First, treat each employee with respect. Second, only build the highest quality products. Third, never stop giving to your local community. As the now CEO of DITEK and a woman in small business, it is my privilege and mission to uphold these principals because I’ve witnessed first-hand the profound effects they can have. Many small businesses wrongly [...]

November 2022

Getting Started with DITEK Surge Protection

2023-11-03T11:12:06-05:00November 25, 2022|

Every commercial, industrial, and residential facility relies on electrical and electronic equipment to perform their everyday functions. Learning how to properly protect these systems is essential to equipment reliability and longevity. A common misconception about power surges is that electrical and electronic device are only at risk during extreme weather and lightning storms, but power surges happen all the time without warning – and usually without us even noticing! According to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, lightning strikes account for just two percent of all surge damage. That means that 98 percent of the damage is done [...]

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