February 2025

Does Your Fire Alarm Meet the New Code 2023 NEC Requirements?

2025-02-10T07:54:17-05:00February 10, 2025|

Surge Protection Now Mandatory for Fire Alarm Systems Fire alarms are an essential safety feature in any building, alerting occupants to the presence of smoke or fire, of course. But an alarm system can only protect you if it’s working properly. Did you know that your fire alarm system could silently fail due to an electrical surge? Power fluctuations—often undetected—can damage fire alarm components, rendering them useless when you need them the most. That’s why the 2023 National Electrical Code (NEC) now mandates listed surge-protective devices (SPDs) for fire alarm systems to ensure they remain operational. Why Surge Protection Matters [...]

December 2024

Why You Need Surge Protection: A Critical Safeguard in a Year of Natural Disasters

2024-12-05T17:35:06-05:00December 5, 2024|

2024 has been a year of unprecedented natural disasters, with storms, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and wildfires wreaking havoc across the United States. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the country endured two dozen separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters, with the financial toll of these 24 events exceeding $100 billion. Alongside visible destruction, these disasters bring hidden dangers that many homeowners overlook: damage to the electrical grid and fluctuations in power quality. These powerful weather events reaffirm that one critical safeguard every household and business should consider is surge protection. The Growing Threat of Power Surges Power [...]

September 2024

Why Surge Protection is a "Must" Investment for Electric Vehicle Owners

2024-10-02T16:00:04-05:00September 20, 2024|

So, you made the leap! You thought about this for a long time. You debated the pros and cons, and then, you finally invested in an electric vehicle. Now, as you drive home from work each day, you smile as you drive past that line of cars at the gas station, knowing your vehicle will plug in, charge at home, and be ready for the commute tomorrow. You’re feeling good about your EV and yourself. Buying the EV was a debate in your household because it was a huge investment—way more than that big-screen TV you bought last year. But [...]

July 2024

Voltage Swings: How They Can Leave You Hot, Bothered, and Longing for Your A/C

2024-07-19T13:53:23-05:00July 19, 2024|

It’s summer. It’s hotter than hot. And you look at that HVAC every day with love and admiration—thankful for modern-day air conditioning. It’s a lifeline for many of us on these blazing hot days and nights. Can you even imagine life without it? Ask anyone whose HVAC failed about that experience. It’s miserable. Most homes are not equipped to cool without an HVAC, and if your system breaks down, you’re in for some long, hot, humid days and nights. This is why you should consider making sure your HVAC is fully protected from damaging electrical events, including the now common [...]

June 2024

Whole Home Surge Protection - How It Works, Considerations, & Costs

2024-06-17T09:21:27-05:00June 14, 2024|

Look around your home. Have you ever stopped to consider how many items are connected to a power source? Laptops and computers, mobile phones, game systems, TVs, appliances; plus, don’t forget your HVAC system, internet, and home security system. Even in our “wireless” homes, most items are connected in some way to a power supply. We are a society that is more dependent on the electrical grid than ever. That’s why whole home surge protection has become a necessity for homeowners. Whole home surge protection is designed to safeguard all the electrical devices and appliances in your home from power [...]

April 2024

DITEK Community Involvement

2024-04-25T15:01:13-05:00April 25, 2024|

January 2024 - March 2024 When DITEK was founded by Robert (Bob) McIntyre, he instilled the value of supporting the local community. Today, he’ll tell you, “That’s the thing about a business; find out where you can get involved and how much fun it can be.” Here are some of the organizations we’ve partnered and volunteered with so far this year: Pinellas Education Foundation Evening of Excellence In support of the Pinellas Education Foundation, DITEK sponsored the Evening of Excellence event in January, where our VP of Administration, Melissa, introduced three of the 10 finalists for Teacher of the Year. [...]

HVAC Surge Protection - Safeguard Homes, Health, Customers, & Your Bottom Line

2024-04-04T14:11:11-05:00April 4, 2024|

The following article was originally published in the HVAC Tactical magazine, spring 2024 issue. Clear here to read the original. Protection for Homes, Health, Customers, & Your Bottom Line Think about the most valuable items in our homes. What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Did you envision your TV, appliances, computer, or other electronics? We all use these items every day, and most people take steps to protect them because who wants to be without a TV, or a refrigerator, or a laptop? Insurance is one way to protect your assets. But there’s another option you should consider [...]

January 2024

Surge Protection Safeguards Valuable Assets

2024-04-04T08:49:10-05:00January 25, 2024|

Insurance. We buy it for protection. For our business, home, car, health, even our pets sometimes. It’s a proactive investment to safeguard our most valuable assets. But what about your electronic and digital assets? Nearly everything these days is connected to the electrical grid—your computers, communication and entertainment devices, your fire protection system, not to mention an array of appliances. Are you being proactive to protect those assets? Electric surges happen every day and more frequently than you might expect. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), a typical building experiences more than 150 power surges each month (Deerwester, [...]

November 2023

Understanding the 2023 NEC Rules for Surge Protection

2023-11-08T17:01:33-05:00November 8, 2023|

In 2023, the committees of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) published their most recent updates to the NFPA 70, better known as the National Electrical Code or NEC. Updated every three years, the NEC is the benchmark for safe electrical design, installation, and inspection to protect people and property from electrical hazards. New requirements specifically relating to surge protection emerged in both the 2020 and 2023 NEC iterations. And while NEC adoption by state varies, the consequences of failing to comply with NEC codes can be costly, endangering both people and property and resulting in expensive fees/repairs. Therefore, it [...]

May 2023

Understand the Importance of Surge Protection to Boost Sales

2023-10-31T11:56:28-05:00May 18, 2023|

In distributor and retail settings, sales are made one of two ways: passively or actively. In a passive sale, a customer comes in knowing exactly what item they want and purchases the product with no questions asked. Active selling requires counter sales, inside and outside salespeople, and even branch managers to actively assist their customers in finding the solution they need. The goal in active selling is to explain the benefits and importance of a product while appearing knowledgeable, so the customer is confident that they are making a good purchase decision. But before active selling can happen, the people [...]

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